School Year Fun

Our students in Reading and Homework Club have had quite the fun year!

These school year programs are our pride and joy! Each club is staffed by volunteers who commit to being at the program at least every other week, if not every week. This is where we see long-lasting relationships built and sustained throughout the school year, sometimes even spanning multiple years. We have volunteers in our Homework Clubs that have been on-site for 10+ years! It is such a blessing to see the trust that is present in their relationships.

When the students arrive, anyone who has homework begins working on that, usually with the guidance of a volunteer. Students without homework do silent reading and then move on to other educational activities, such as math games.

Each week, the volunteers then lead the students through the current reading curriculum while they have a snack and drink. Throughout the year, the students learn about six curriculum themes for about four to six weeks each. Some of the themes the students have worked through this year have been:

  • Wonderfully Designed - all about how God designed people different and unique from one another

  • Grand Adventures - stories about some kind of adventure… shark encounters, refugee experience, dog sled races, space exploration, and more

  • Under the Sea - a combination of fiction and non-fiction texts about ocean life, including texts about conservation

  • Master Chef - texts related to cooking, baking, etc. and students learned to follow a recipe

The volunteers read a book aloud from the theme and then facilitate coordinating activities and crafts to go along with the book of the day. After the activities are completed, the students are free to play games with each other and the volunteers. Some favorites are “Headbandz”, “Chutes and Ladders”, “Uno” and more.

Check out these fun pictures to see how our volunteers engage with the students in reading, activities, and fun!

Neighbors' House